Well let me add and edit my list. With Blockhead, add Mastermind as the other Joker, always 2 in a deck. I picked original concepts instead of the vast amount of games/sprites/cartoons, with the 2 exceptions - 8-bit Theater, which would be the 4 #8 cards of the deck, for how great and well known the series is, and Metal Gear Awesome for the same reasoning. The Jacks, Queens, King, and Aces stay as they are, the #2 Cards would be the 4 Big Crew/Krew/Legion/Syndicate, the #10 Cards would be the A ,G, M, and P Bot. The #'s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 would be the other flashes listed with others added in like Club a Seal, Retarded Animal Babies and a few others and then either randomly put them with a number, or have the people vote them to a number.
Hmm, i'll just post one in the style of a magic card.
Tom the Creator
Legendary Human Tech Wizard
Abilities: all Newgrounds creatures get +2+2.
two mana: Target creature becomes a newgrounds creature in addition to its other types.
one mana: take control fo target Newgrounds Creature.